Sunday, October 24, 2004


Good time

Ship's log, Oct. 24
Ol' Chumbucket reporting.

Our pardons for not being in touch for a while. We've been as busy as a peg-legged pirate at a butt-kicking festival, but we hope soon to have somethin' to show fer it.

In the meantime, we've continued to make appearances, and Saturday was a fine one. We threw in with a group of pirate enthusiasts who were hosting a fundraiser at Portland's classic movie house, the Hollywood Theater, for Families for Effective Treatment of Austism. Cap'n Slappy and I served as emcees for the event. A portland pirate band, Spinnaker, played a set, and there was a raffle. The main part of the event was a screening of "Pirates of the Caribbean." I'd guess the house was about 300, and we raised a fair amount of booty for FEAT. The gross take was abvout $5,000, and I'm sure the money will be well used.

We've got another raid ... er, appearance, coming up in Brookings Oregon down on Orgon's south coast at the end of the week. More on that to follow

Ol' Chumbucket

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