Saturday, September 04, 2004


A good contest to enter

Sept. 4, 2004
Ol' Chumbucket, recording

If you haven't signed up for the Florida Giveaway through our site - go back and do so NOW. It's a heck of a trip - last weekend of January you and a friend could be off on a Southwest Airlines flight to the TradeWinds Island Resort (pirate themed, naturally) in St. Pete's Beach. Across the bay, in Tampa, they'll be celebrating the Gasparilla Festival, one of the biggest and best pirate-themed fetivals in the world, and you'll have VIP tickets!!!! (Sorry - the contest is open to U.S. residents only. We didn't make the rules, we just provide the portal.)

So sign up. It doesn't cost you anything, the company running the contest says your info won't be abused, and man . wouldn't that be a grat prize to win!!!

Well said, Trish! No pirate should ever say aarrgh unless he or she has sat on a belaying pin. Here at Talk Like a Pirate Day we prefer Aarrr! Northeasterns and English seem to prefer Yar! But ALL pirates should learn to get beyon Aarrr. Otherwise it all gets a little tedious, don't you think? There's a whole world of priate talk out there. Use it.

I cannot, however, agree about the Jolly Roger. The whole point of being a pirate is to do what you bloody well want to. Many pirates used the skull and cross bones. Many did not. Most used their own distinctive variants of the pirate flag so cowering merchantmen could tell who it was that was about sending them to the bottom.
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